Veneers in Brunswick, GA

Your perfect smile is within reach thanks to Veneers!

If you want to alter the shape, size, or color of your front teeth, Veneers will correct many flaws at once and create a natural-looking, esthetically pleasing smile that will last for years.

Request an Appointment(912) 452-8221

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a cosmetic treatment designed for the front teeth — specifically the teeth that show when you smile — to cover up a variety of imperfections, including:

  • Discoloration that does not respond to whitening
  • Misshapen/malformed teeth
  • Chips, cracks, pitting, streaks
  • Unevenness, misalignment
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Gummy smile

Each veneer is crafted to the exact specifications of the tooth it will cover to create the color, size, and shape the patient desires.

Veneers can be placed on all the front teeth or only select teeth, depending on the patient’s needs. For example, if a patient has one tooth that looks different from the rest, Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt may place a single veneer on that tooth to make it appear more like the surrounding teeth. Some patients wish to correct several imperfections at once. In those cases, your dentists can place as many Veneers as needed to create a flawless final look.

Types of Veneers

Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt use two types of dental Veneers: traditional porcelain and “no-prep”.

  • Traditional Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain skillfully shaped and bonded to your teeth, creating the perfect smile to enhance your facial features. They also provide strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel.
  • “No-prep” Veneers are similar to porcelain Veneers but require less preparation of the tooth surface. However, “no-prep” Veneers are not appropriate for everyone. Like porcelain Veneers, “no-prep” Veneers are also bonded to the front surface of the teeth. They are typically quicker to apply, with less resulting discomfort than traditional Veneers.

Get Your Veneers from Exceptional Dentistry of the Golden Isles in Brunswick, GA

Dr. Robert Lancaster and Dr. Angela Britt are skilled cosmetic dentists who know how to expertly place veneers to achieve stunning results. Your veneers will give you many years of perfect smiles!

What to Expect with Veneers

Each patient’s treatment plan is customized to their individual goals, and therefore the procedure differs from case to case. However, for most patients, it takes 2 appointments to place veneers.

  • Appointment #1:

    Dr. Britt will prepare the teeth involved and make a mold that will be used to fabricate the veneers. She may also place temporary veneers to wear while the permanent ones are being fabricated.

  • Appointment #2:

    Dr. Britt will bond the permanent veneers to the fronts of the teeth involved, adjust them to ensure they fit precisely, and polish them to perfection.

Pro Tip: Caring for Your New Veneers

Veneers are an excellent way to enhance your smile. The porcelain with which they are made is highly durable and will last 10-15 years with proper care. To ensure that you get the most out of your Veneers, your dentists at Exceptional Dentistry of the Golden Isles recommend the following aftercare:

  • Brush and floss as recommended to prevent cavities from forming under your veneers. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste and brush gently to avoid premature wear.
  • Visit Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt every 6 months for professional cleanings and examinations. They will always check that your veneers are staying properly in place and continue to remain intact.
  • Do not chew on anything that could damage your veneers, including hard candy, pencils, pens, or ice. Avoid biting your fingernails as well.
  • Wear a mouthguard at night — especially if you are prone to grinding your teeth while you sleep. The excess pressure from grinding will cause your veneers to wear down faster and could damage them irreparably.
  • Wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports or performing any activity where there’s a risk of getting hit in the mouth. This is good advice in general but especially important after cosmetic treatment.

Thinking about improving your smile?

Contact Exceptional Dentistry of the Golden Isles in Brunswick, GA today to schedule your consultation. Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Britt will carefully evaluate your needs and goals when determining which treatments are most suitable for your unique dental situation.

Your teeth deserve the best. We ensure you get it.