Curious About Invisalign®?

Would you love to straighten your teeth but have reservations about receiving orthodontic treatment at this point in your life? If so, you are not alone. We have helped many patients who were hesitant to start treatment, and they have loved their results. Due to the many benefits it provides, we are happy to offer Invisalign® to our patients looking to improve the alignment of their teeth. While it is likely that you have heard of Invisalign, you may have questions regarding treatment. Read on for answers to the most common questions about Invisalign.

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

When was the last time you changed your toothbrush? If you can’t remember, then it is probably time. A toothbrush is not something that you may think about often, but it is something that we all should be using multiple times a day. A toothbrush is one of the primary ways that you remove lingering bacteria and unwanted food from your teeth, tongue, and mouth after eating. You should be replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

What Is This Popular Tooth Replacement Solution?

Experiencing complications with your oral health can be stressful. Depending on the issue, it may mean you are living with discomfort or you may find everyday tasks, such as chewing your food, difficult. This may be the case if you or a loved one has experienced severe decay or recent tooth loss. We are passionate about our patients receiving dental treatment as soon as it is recommended to help further prevent any issues. We want to be sure that our patients feel informed and comfortable with any treatment we recommend. One treatment that we may suggest for severe decay or a missing tooth is a dental bridge. Read on to learn more about this treatment and how we use it to restore oral health.

6 Common Dental Problems

At Dentistry by Angela Britt, we want our patients to be knowledgeable about the state of their oral health. Aside from properly cleaning your teeth, it is important to be mindful of any problems that may occur in your mouth between your oral hygiene examination appointments. We recommend checking your mouth regularly for any signs of a problem. You can also regularly run your tongue over your teeth to feel for any imperfections. It is also important to be mindful of any changes to your teeth that you may feel, such as discomfort. Some common dental problems include:

Now Offering Special OralDNA Testing!

Saliva testing has been on the rise over the past few years. Your saliva can reveal a variety of interesting facts about you. For example, you can learn more about your family and your heritage. We are proud to provide saliva testing that can detect potential problems with your oral health as well as your overall health. Read on to learn more about the benefits and details of this form of testing.

Is Chewing Gum A Help Or A Hindrance To Your Oral Health?

At Dentistry by Angela Britt, we love to share tips and tricks that benefit your oral health. Did you know that sugar-free gum is an excellent tool to help your teeth and mouth when you are not immediately able to brush your teeth after eating? Many people consider sugar-free gum a form of candy and would never think of it as a tool to help their oral health. We do want to clarify though that sugar-free gum is beneficial, not chewing gum that is loaded with sugar.

Is It Ever Too Late To Restore Your Smile?

Are you experiencing dental issues and struggling to schedule your appointment because you are self-conscious or concerned about being too old to improve? Would you love to change your smile, but are hesitant to express your desires when you are in the office? It is not uncommon to want to improve some aspect of your teeth, even if it is as simple as wishing for a whiter smile. However, we know that we have some patients who need to restore the function of their teeth. Whether you have been postponing a dental treatment for age or financial reasons, we are here to tell you that it is never too late to restore your oral health. Read on to learn more.

Get The Smile Of Your Dreams With Veneers

At Dentistry by Angela Britt, we offer a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can bring about any change you would love to see in your smile. When we meet with a patient and they express that they are interested in improving or changing their smile, we examine the state of their oral health. We then speak with the patient to see what their thoughts are and the direction they would like to go with the appearance of their teeth. Some patients may have an idea of what their dream smile looks like, but before that happens, we have to make some improvements to their oral health, such as a treatment to restore the function of the teeth. One popular request from patients is that they want to have a uniform smile that rivals that of their favorite movie star or celebrity. For these patients, we typically recommend veneers.

Don’t Forget To Schedule Your Next Appointment With Us

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are due! We know that life is busy and that time seems to fly by. We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe it is already June! It seems like we were just watching the ball drop for the start of 2023. Speaking of June, summer is the perfect time to schedule an appointment if you are in need. Schedules are more relaxed, and you won’t feel as rushed. We would hate for you to experience a dental emergency due to postponing your routine visit. Read on to learn more about the importance of routine dental care.

Ways Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Are you or a loved one planning a pregnancy or currently expecting, or did you recently have a baby? This is such an exciting time for the parents-to-be. Many of our patients are surprised to learn that pregnancy not only changes the state and appearance of your body, but it can also have some lasting effects on your dental health as well. We wanted to share some important information should you or a loved one be experiencing this special time.

What’s The Strongest Part Of Your Body?

When patients visit our office for a routine hygiene examination, they are always concerned about the state of their teeth and if there are any signs of decay. When you have decay on your teeth, it indicates that your tooth enamel has been compromised in some way. Your tooth enamel is the outer covering surrounding the tooth. It is actually the strongest substance in the body, but it is not indestructible, especially if it is not being cared for properly. In fact, it is quite easy to damage your tooth enamel. Read on to learn more about what can damage your tooth enamel.

Why You Should Never Ignore A Cracked Tooth

Although your tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the body, it is not indestructible. Your teeth experience a lot of wear and tear. Just with the number of times we eat per day, our teeth get a lot of use. As with anything that gets used frequently, there is always the possibility of a problem developing. This is one of the reasons we are so passionate about our patients visiting us for routine hygiene examinations and cleanings. During these appointments, we inspect the teeth for signs of decay and other problems. One of the issues we look for is cracked teeth.

Spring Into A Great Smile!

We don’t know about you, but we are so excited that spring has finally arrived! Spring is a popular time for weddings, graduations, proms, and other events. Do you have an upcoming event, and would you love to improve your smile before the special day? We provide a number of treatments that can be started and completed in one office visit or a few short visits and will have your smile drastically improved before you know it! Read on to learn more about these treatments.

Why Should You Restore Your Oral Health?

Are you or a loved one dealing with constant dental discomfort, severe decay, or missing teeth? If so, you or a family member may need restorative dental care. Patients who require restorative dental care frequently have less-than-ideal dental health that interferes with their daily lives. Severe dental issues often lead to difficulty eating and speaking properly, which can begin to negatively affect overall health.

Is It time For A Visit?

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are due for a visit! We know that life can be busy, between work, family, outings with friends, and other medical appointments. We want to stress the importance of regular care for your oral health. You only have one set of teeth for your lifetime, and we would hate for undiagnosed problems to progress into severe complications. Read on to learn more about the importance of routine dental care.