How to Get that Model-Perfect Smile

When you look in the mirror or at pictures of yourself, are you unhappy with your smile? Do you look longingly in fashion magazines at models and celebrities with perfect teeth and wish that your smile looked like theirs? If this sounds like you, there is no better time to do something special for yourself and your smile. We offer a popular treatment plan that will have your smile looking like it belongs in a magazine. Continue reading to learn more about what can be done to make the improvements you desire.

Understanding Gum Disease

From an early age, we have been taught about cleaning our teeth and the importance of oral health. Most adults try to follow the rules of proper brushing and flossing to assist with keeping tooth decay under control. However, many don’t understand the importance of healthy gums and how they can greatly impact not only your oral health, but your overall health as well.

Sleep Apnea Care During the Holidays

December is here, which means that, in the coming weeks, many of us will be changing our normal routines to accommodate celebrating the holidays. While it is exciting to see family and friends, possibly travel to see relatives, and rush to purchase gifts, it can also be a time of added stress. Especially with the year we have had, your normal holiday routine may be altered, which can be a source of additional stress. This unwanted stress can cause disruptions to sleep patterns, negatively impacting your sleep apnea condition.

It Is The Perfect Time To Do Something For Yourself

Do you long for perfectly straight teeth or wish to close a gap in the front of your teeth? After the stressful year we have had, it is the perfect time to do something for yourself to achieve the smile of your dreams. Feeling confident about your teeth is a great way to head into 2021 and put the past year behind you. New technological advances have given us the perfect solution to achieve the smile you desire in a discrete and convenient way. Continue reading to learn about this system.

Thanksgiving Drive

This year has been hard on everyone and especially hard for people who were already food and housing insecure before the pandemic struck. Many people have lost jobs and homes and now find themselves with very limited resources. Luckily, there has also been an overwhelming response from citizens around the country who have generously donated to homeless shelters, food pantries, and community kitchens to help those who may be in need. We, who have been extremely fortunate throughout this challenging time, also want to show our support and share some of what we have with others who may not have…

Cosmetic Dentistry – Feel Better About Your Smile

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. It can help bring happiness to someone’s day, ease the tension in a tough conversation, or help break the ice when meeting someone new. While these are all positive reasons to smile, there are many people who are self-conscious and hate smiling. With cosmetic dentistry, there is no reason not to improve your smile and bring back the happy grin you once loved.

The Best Kind Of Filling Is No Filling At All

Dental fillings are one of the most common procedures we perform. Due to bacteria that accumulate on teeth, cavities can form, and fillings are used to repair the damage and protect teeth from further harm. In the past, the materials used for fillings left patients with noticeable silver areas in their mouths. We now have a way to administer fillings without altering the appearance of your smile. Read on to find out more.

Dental Crowns To The Rescue

Tooth damage comes in a variety of conditions, including chipped, cracked or broken teeth, tooth decay, and even total tooth loss. Dental crowns are one treatment that can help restore the tooth or replace it. A crown is a tooth-shaped structure, like a cap, that is placed over a tooth. The “cap” covers the tooth to improve its appearance, restore its shape and function or sit on top of an implant as a replacement tooth.

Do You Feel Anxious About Coming To Our Practice?

We are always trying to find better ways to give our patients the best dental care possible. It’s not only great results we’re after, but providing a relaxing and comfortable experience as well. However, that might not seem possible to some patients who struggle with anxiety or fear of dental treatments. The good news is that we have a few options to calm your nerves so you can get the treatment you need, and there is one in particular we’d love to share with you. Read on to find out about this unique treatment.