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A Transformation You Won’t Believe

One of the best parts of being a dentist is merging art and science to change a person’s life. It may sound extreme to suggest that dentistry is life-changing, but when a patient is so self-conscious about their smile that they avoid talking, laughing, photographs, or social situations altogether, a cosmetic dental treatment can quite literally change how they interact from day to day. Maybe you can relate to this personally or know someone else who has had a similar experience and might benefit from a cosmetic treatment. Recently, one of my patients was selected by Paisley Magazine to participate…

mock drive through sign for a dentist

Implants In a Day? No Way!

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are the way to go. If you’re replacing an entire arch with them, though, implants take time. Between the surgery and healing period, reclaiming your smile can take months. And while I firmly believe that the results that implants provide are worth the wait, I also understand that you may want to enjoy your new smile sooner rather than later. For those of you who are ready to flash your gorgeous grin now, I offer another type of dental implant: TeethXpress. Intrigued? Continue reading to learn more. If you’re a denture…

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Do you have missing teeth? What is happening to your jaw bone?

The loss of teeth can create many problems, including dissolving away of bone structure, loss of support for the face and damage to the remaining teeth. The face can have an appearance of sagging, wrinkles and aging. Damage to any remaining teeth can be caused by the full stresses and loads of chewing that they still must bear. Once enough teeth are missing, then nutritional changes begin to cause medical problems and your overall general well-being can be compromised. The deterioration of the jaw bones affects the appearance of how the face “drapes” over the bone. This makes you look…